The Polar Embrace
The “Polar Embrace”, or "Nine Below Zero" progress report By Bill Stork, DVM Michael Perry is known for his surgical sense of humor. His...

Family Tradition
Family Tradition By Bill Stork, DVM Traditions are like fingerprints: every family has their own. They are the twine that binds future...

Prius Pete
Prius Pete By Bill Stork, DVM Three generations of flat-land farmers at the stump of my family tree and 22 years in service of Wisconsin...

Private Gillespie
Private Gillespie By Bill Stork, DVM Living among future engineers and doctors for eight years of college, the son of a construction...

A boy named Sue (part 2)
A boy named Sue (part 2) By Dr. Bill Stork Over the years, I had developed a nearly bullet-proof wardrobe scheme for a job that would...

A Boy Named Sue (part 1)
A boy named Sue (part 1) By Bill Stork, DVM County T north of Waterloo, Wisconsin is straight as a runway at O’Hare. There were 2500 fire...

Rambo (part 2 of 2)
Rambo (part 2 of 2) By Dr. Bill Stork “Well I suppose,” I stammered. “When are you thinking…” as I heard a gate agent make the last call...

Rambo (part 1 of 2)
Rambo (part 1 of 2) By Bill Stork, DVM We were recently approached by a retired social worker who spent a career's worth of compassion in...
The real Rambo
What Wikipedia doesn’t know is that the Vietnam veteran in the iconic 1982 film was named after an animal far more menacing than...

Norway's Gold
Once every 4 years, the world comes together for an apolitical celebration of good will and athletic competition. The Winter Olympics...