The Quilt of Many Colours
The Quilt of Many Colours By Bill Stork, DVM It’s been said that if you enjoy what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life. As if...

Art By Bill Stork, DVM Years before the don’t call ‘em millennials named Cornelius in their trucker hats and civil war beards were old...

Just call me Rick
Just call me Rick By Bill Stork, DVM We are all products of our environment, upbringing, and interactions. Chance encounters leave snap...

The Pike County Jesus is a Packers fan
The Pike County Jesus is a Packers Fan By Bill Stork, DVM Lose the wrap-around shades and Guinness t-shirt, cloak him in a long, white...
Peyton By Bill Stork, DVM Historians have hypothesized for decades as to the disposition of Adolph Hitler’s right testicle. A Polish...

CNA By Bill Stork, DVM The little tube TV suspended over the resuscitation cabinet in the ICM unit of Decatur Memorial Hospital shows...

Sticks and Stones
Sticks and Stones By Bill Stork, DVM Corporate America has cashed in on the feel-good of children and dogs for years. Think of Buster...

Reggio "The Hoofer"
Reggio “The Hoofer”* By Bill Stork, DVM “I knew a man Bojangles and he'd dance for you in worn out shoes Silver hair, ragged shirt and...

Give-'em-hell Harry
Give-'em-hell Harry By Bill Stork, DVM Disgruntled clients are an inevitable consequence of doing business. There are days when you are...

Poker Face
Poker Face By Bill Stork, DVM Young couples of today are less interested in traditional marriage, McMansions, and his-n-hers Lexus SUVs....