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I Have Never Failed book cover

I Have Never Failed...


Throughout his life, Dr. Bill has found guidance in the blue-collar adaptations of centuries-old wisdom: I have never failed, but I have extensive experience with things that do not work; there is no such thing as bad weather, just a poor choice of clothes; and shut up and do your work. He has modeled the exemplary lives of his parents and been tailwinded by the unconditional support of his wife, Sheila.

Dr. Bill shares stories about OCD Shepherd crosses and a German Shorthaired Pointer with three testicles. There are tributes to a one-eyed mechanic, the Pike County Jesus, and Certified Nursing Assistants. Dr. Bill shines a light on the plight of loneliness among the elderly, calls into question the dehumanizing effect of technology, and respectfully opposes The Wall Street Journal and Princeton Professor Emeritus Harry W. Frankfurt.


Dr. Bill lives each day to earn the words said, and the tears shed at a Baptist church in Atlanta in April 1999. The two hundred stories he’s written leading up to ADB were only a warmup to properly honor the legacy of The Amazing Dick Bass.

This is a special live storyteller's edition! Scan QR codes for a video introduction and Dr. Bill out back, at sunrise, or down by the lake telling his favorite stories... Live!

I Have Never Failed is available now! Order your copy today!

What's a "live book?" I Have Never Failed... allows you to scan QR codes and open a video of the author telling the story.

For those stories, you get the reassuring feel of a book in your hand, along with the freedom of having someone read it to you!

Get to know the author a little better, and participate in storytelling traditions that have long pre-dated printed books.


Here is what Bill Stork knows: Just as the best road trips are seldom made on straight interstate highways, good stories sometimes dodge and weave and become something other than what they seemed at the outset.

Doug Moe, Madison Magazine


Bill Stork has this thing about first impressions. He can't abide them...

Doug Moe, Wisconsin State Journal


Bill - loved this piece! You are indeed "In Herriot's Shadow". Keep writing! ("Hedley Rides Again")

Virginia Bradshaw


You must publish this book. Bill Stork's stories comprised some of the best reading I’ve done in a while, and I read all the time. He has a strong and personable voice, and an easy way of putting together two or three words in a way that you’ve never seen before, but in a way that makes perfect sense and that captures the scene better than any more mundane use of words possibly could.



Superb story, well-told. ("Norway's Gold")

George Hesselberg


This is like a really legit book!

Calvin Stork, upon receiving a copy from dad


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Dr. Bill Stork

Dr. Bill Stork

Dr. Bill Stork grew up in a meat and potatoes, git-‘er-done, Mr. and Mrs., “In the name of the Father…” household in Decatur, Illinois. Population 100,000 and shrinking. He attended public schools at a time when racial tensions and desegregation were a fact of life. He came home to after-school snacks from a stay-at-home mother. His dad worked construction. Unless Dad worked overtime, Bill and his parents - and frequently neighbors needing help welding...

News and Events

News and Events

Did you read Doug Moe's column about Dr. Stork yet? Kathleen Dunn interviewed Dr. Stork on WPR - you can find the podcast here. Watch this space for more appearances at local bookstores, libraries and (probably) barbecue spots.

Blog: In Herriot's Shadow

Blog: In Herriot's Shadow

Musings by a country veterinarian on sunrise, old yellow labs, and well-written songs...

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